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Remember that time when you got hit with that lightbulb moment and thought, "I'm going to be an inventor!"? Well, for me, that moment was way back in the 4th grade when my little brother Dan and I were dreaming up ideas that were either outrageously dangerous or totally flammable (like the hairspray-triggered blowdryer, that probably would have quickly extinguished those early 90s puff bangs). But hey, we were just kids, okay? Another time, we figured out the genius concept of attaching pop cans to our skate shoes and grinding school rails. Yep, we were Tony Hawk before he was even a thing. We even scrapped together a toothbrush that squeezed toothpaste through the bristles...only to find out it had already been done. Oops. But the point is, we were always thinking outside the box and trying to make things better.

What inspired us to invent the breakaway necktie was a combo of meetings where the air conditioner was mocking me by blowing hot air while wearing a suit and tie. Through the discomfort, I thought, "How can I get this extra material away from my neck forever without resorting to a clip-on's metal clip jamming up my neck space?!" and days that I would tie and re-tie and re-tie my ties only to leave it to short or too long. Finally fed up one day I grabbed a hanger and transformed my go-to material an aluminum pop can into a makeshift solution, then dashed over to Dan's house (who's my backyard neighbor anyway - still best buds). The idea wasn't exactly a Mona Lisa at first, but we knew it was an opportunity to create something better than the current traditional product. I mean who wasn't let down if grandma, mom, or dad surprised you with a polka dot tie 80's style fat tie for Christmas, okay that only happened once but still. We would set out to change the stigma and create something awesome that we could be proud of.

Fast forward to today and that early innovator spark transformed into a dream-fulfilling ride that's even resulted in our own patents in the USA and other places like Japan and China. May I add that we have serious respect for everyone that's gone through the patent process because it takes some real patience and follow-through to reach the light at the end of the tunnel!! If we could ever top that it would be our customer response to the product and its fun interchangeable features and ZERO material around the neck which makes me smile every time I put one on. Another feature we call the robber's nightmare... Imagine a mugger's face if they grab a modern tie looking for a handle and they feel a magnetic release. Talk about a gotcha moment. Anyways, guys and girls, we've got some awesome plans in store, but today more importantly we want to hear from you! Have you thought up any stroke-of-genius ideas that haven't been brought to life yet? Something about inventing that just lights up any conversation. Let us know in the comments below or send us an email. Hearing from you makes this fun and not a job so really do share with us!
So, what about you? Got any stroke-of-genius inventions that haven't been made yet? Share with us!


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Los Angeles, CA

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Los Angeles, CA

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Los Angeles, CA

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Los Angeles, CA

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Author's name
Los Angeles, CA


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